Italian language students ILSONLINE

Our Students


My experience with the ILS school was the best! I have known many new things in Italian and I’ve learnt a lot more Italian than I could’ ve had imagine in such a short time. After classes there are activities like escursions, cooking lessons, horse riding tour etc.

The class composition is varied, there are never students of just one nationality | italiano per stranieri salerno lavora con noi | This encourages the use of Italian language not only during the lessons but also in different contexts, in the daily Venetian life and during the aternoon activities | italy, etymology | The average age of the students ranges from 20 to 50, but there are students of every age in the classrooms | test online italiano | Here are some comments left by our students | inglese traduzione | Annie, French (level 5, advanced) | grammatica d italiano | "I wanted to study Italian and I wanted to do it in Venice, so I choose The Venice Institute | cittadini stati uniti dopo 90 giorni in italia | It was my first time in Venice and I had been fascinated immediately by this city in which I feel like in a place out of time because there are no cars indeed!