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Festival Carmelo Bene
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School System in Italy
     The Italian school system is offered free to all children in Italy regardless of nationality. All children are required to attend school from age six through sixteen with the compulsory age limit being raised over the next couple years. Even the public nursery schools are free with reasonable sized classes and motivated teachers. The school system has a good reputation but tends to focus on rote memorization and obedience over creativity. To be continued .....
     Otranto - 5th November 2012
     Festival Carmelo Bene
Carmelo Bene, among the most famous Italian artists, passed away in Rome the 16th of March 2002. His major works were mostly devoted to theatre, but it embraced also movies, literature, poetry and TV.
Otranto will host a series of events to remember the actor and director that chose that city as his home and where he lived the last years of his life. Among the most awaited there is the presentation by RAI5 of a work never released before: the famous Lectura Dantis recorded in 1997 in the Rai venue in Neaples for the historic TV program “Palcoscenico” and never broadcasted.
Raffaella Baracchi Bene, Carmelo’s widow and mother of their doter Salomé, will set up an exhibition in the Castle of Otranto of objects, paintings, books, dramatizations, scripts and other materials of Carmelo Bene’s everyday life.
Moreover audiovisual materials on Carmelo Bene’s theatrical activities will be presented, which will accompany a seminar with some of the actors that worked with him in theatre and TV. A jazz concert with Carmelo Bene’s voiceover will conclude the events in the night between the 15th and the 16th of March, the 10th anniversary of his death.

     Otranto - 15th March 2012
The Cinema of Italy
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The Castle of Otranto
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Mamma mia, the Turks are coming!

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