Activities in italian
Italian Language School ILS Otranto: Visit the town Accommodation in our Apartments Program of a typical week-excursions in the Italian language school ILS

Weekly activities at the Italian Language School ILS


Method used in our Italian Language Courses  Method
Extra Activities at our Italian Language School  Activities
Student's Opinions about our Italian Language School  Student's Opinions
Stages in Italy  Stages
 Work with us
Italy Visa  Visa for Italy

  Our Italian Language School has a wide recreative program and activities in the afternoon:

Guided visit to the town of Otranto

Guided visit to the Hypogeum and bauxite cave

Guided architectural and artistic trips all around Lecce, Salentine's villages, Zinzulusa's caves, and to the Alberobello's Trulli

Guided Tour to Grecia Salentina (the Greek part of Salento)

Disco and theatre nights, quiz games, sport competitions, movies, dinners in the garden, tambourine courses, tours on horse, by bike, by canoe or by ship

There is also the possibility to dive in safety into Enea's sea with the help of a professional team, discovering the submarine environment characterised by great depths

The additional cost, not included in the package, has to be agreed on in person with excursions personnel

Trulli, Otranto, Zinzulusa

Weekly activities at the Italian Language School ILS

Our wine tasting and gastronomy tours in Salento Excursions Discover our special Tours in Salento

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